
Peaches and the 19 Cobras

I hope you enjoy our little story about our adventures and our life during the pandemic of 2020. You know, when you’re home alone all this time, quarantined with two dogs, you’re talking to them all the time, and then you start thinking like them; thus, 19 Cobras came to be. Peaches and Jake are two amazing rescue dogs that I’ve had since they were three years old. Jake is ten now, and Peaches is seven. They keep me entertained, make me laugh a lot, and are my constant companions. In short, they are my babies. So I wanted to share some of their antics with you.

19 Cobras is an entertaining book that puts a little humor into a very serious time in our lives. I hope you get a chuckle or two out of it. It was written to help take our minds off the sad things that were happening and put some happy thoughts into our lives, even if it is just for a little while and remind us all how truly blessed we are. Now, sit back, put your feet up, relax, and get ready to smile.

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Peaches and Jake and 19 Cobras – Oh, My!

If you have read our first book, “Peaches and the 19 Cobras”, you know that Peaches and Jake are two amazing rescue dogs who keep me entertained and on my toes both night and day.

They are best buddies, and from the moment I brought three-year-old Peaches home from the shelter to meet my six-year-old Jake, whom I had rescued from a different shelter three years before, they bonded immediately. It was as if Jake knew somehow that he was the big brother and that he was meant to protect Peaches. I never saw them fight with each other or growl in anger. If she wanted something Jake had, he would always share it with her. It was really unbelievable!

So with COVID-19 still actively being a part of everyone’s lives, Peaches and Jake want to tell you a little more about how they are coping with that aspect of our lives, which makes this book just an extension of the first book. It shows a little bit more about our lives together and some of the cute and wonderful joy a couple of “canine kids” can bring to your life.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you!

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Peaches and Jake Celebrate Christmas

With the holidays rapidly approaching, I thought it would be fun to share a Christmas story with you about Peaches and Jake celebrating Christmas with their toys from Santa.

If you have read my other two books, “Peaches and the 19 Cobras” and “Peaches and Jake and 19 Cobras, Oh My!”, then you are familiar with my two amazing rescue dogs, Peaches and Jake. The events of this book actually took place in 2018, when Peaches was six years old and Jake was nine, before the other two books were written.

I’m sure most of you are aware that most dogs just love stuffed toys—so much so that many times, the stuffing from the toy eventually ends up on the floor because, for one thing, the blasted squeaker the toy maker put inside the toy to get the dog’s attention just had to be found and silenced, of course! And that required biting a hole in that toy and tearing out most, if not all, of the stuffing to get to that squeaker. How such small toys can hold that much fluff is beyond me, but they sure do, and it can really make a mess!

Well, this was certainly the case with Jake, but not so much with Peaches. You’ll see from the pictures how Jake’s eyes light up when he has a toy to play with (and destroy). He thought he was in doggy heaven when he had Moosie to play with. And he loved Moosie, right down to Moosie’s final scrap of fabric! I honestly believe that Peaches had never had a toy and that she really didn’t know what to do with Miss Fox. But she figured out that she could cuddle with her. She was always very gentle with Foxie, but she never really played with her like I thought she would.

So fix yourself a cup of hot chocolate (with a marshmallow, of course), sit down, relax, take a sip, and enjoy Peaches and Jake’s Christmas celebration.

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